Life & Death *Twilight Reimagined) by Stephenie Meyer



Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined by Stephenie Meyer
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

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I am of the firm belief that Meyer was ready to put out Midnight Sun, but changed her mind because of...She-who-will-not-be-named-

, who recently released a book from a male POV-

-so everyone is left waiting on this-

No matter...Honestly, (and I don't care who gets offended), James, Meyer, and anyone else who wants to write a repeat of a previous book because they can't hack any new material can kiss my ass.
See, we're already read fan fiction of Edward and Bella (FSOG)...Now Meyer wants us to read more Fan-fic?

1) Ain't nothing sexy about a man in distress, folks. Poor Edward or Beau, or what-the-fuck ever, lost a lot of masculinity today!

2) Royal? That's the best alternative for Rosalie?

3) Chapter 1 is copy and pasted, minus the t-shirt instead of parka.

Bella: it was beautiful, of course.
Beau: it was probably beautiful, or something...

5) “I had on my favorite t-shirt - the Monty Python one with the swallows and the coconut that Mom got me two Christmases ago. It didn’t quite fit anymore, but that didn’t matter. I wouldn’t be needing t-shirts again soon.”
They don't wear t-shirts in Washington or...

6) When Beau turns down Tyler (coughs, sorry, TAYLOR) for prom. That was brutal to read.

Are you there, Stephenie? It's me, Liv...A Werewolf/Vampire love romance would've been just fine. *BOWS HEAD*

Oh, and you just know E.L. James just scored new material for her next book.

I leave you fine folks with something to ponder, Stephenie Meyer's apology/excuse in the beginning of Life and Death:

So I thought about other things I could do, and if it makes you
feel better, Midnight Sun did come up. The problem was time—as in, there wasn’t any. Certainly not enough to write a novel, or even half of one.

Not enough time to write Midnight Sun in Edwards POV, which she's written 7 or 8 chapters already...But she had enough time to write Bella's POV as a man.

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