The F-Word by Liza Palmer

Mar 11, 2017

The F WordThe F Word by Liza Palmer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Release date: April 25, 2016
Pre order THE F-WORD

First off, let me say this book is for all the ladies who cringe when reminded of their high school experience. (And I'm not talking "cringe" at the high school fashion either.) This is for every woman who wanted the "it guy" or was told she was "too fat" and mocked and ridiculed.
That's right.
This one's for you, boo.

Without knowing it, Liza Palmer has created a manual that every man (and woman) should be REQUIRED to read before stepping foot back into high school territory.

The goods:
Olivia was put through hell during high school because she was fat. 20 years later, she is in her prime, skinny, and rolls with the hottest celebrities in Hollywood. Her husband is a doctor...
After everything she endured, she finally has it all...
Or does she?

After seeing her former nemesis, Ben, at a coffee shop....Olivia is left trying to navigate through the terror that was her past life (aka, Ben's teasing, ect), while juggling the pitfalls Hollywood bestows on a client of hers.

I thought this book was HILAROUS. All of the characters were well-developed, and the tone throughout the novel was on-point. Olivia is so relatable, which in turn makes her extremely likable for readers. She doesn't sugarcoat anything. She's 100% no filter, and I loved that!

Readers who enjoy John Green's writing, will definitely appreciate this. TBR WORTHY

Cover: 7
Storyline: 9
Writing: 10
Love: 8
Humor: 10
Character Development: 10

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My opinion is my own.

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