Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire


Beautiful Oblivion (Maddox Brothers, #1)Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

NOTE: DNF'd at 33%
(This could take a while....)

I don't read books that:
A) Recycle old characters and put new names on them.
B) Trash the main star all to make a buck.
C) Rely on previous main star to display similarities in "new star." Oh, I don't know, dimples, tattoos, overall physical demeanor...No.
D) Recycles similar stories.

Cami= Abby Abernathy. (Note: A bad girl knock off of her.)

Some might disagree with me, but all you have to do is swap the names out and read it that way, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

EXAMPLES (with names replaced)
Travis's left dimple sunk in when he grinned. “Then we know each other.”
“Not necessarily.”
Travis laughed again. “You want a drink?”

Travis shook his head, smiled, and then, before taking another swig, said, “They always do.”
“It’s a small town. You shouldn’t have burned all of your bridges.”
He lowered his chin, his famous charm turning up a notch. “There’s a few I haven’t lit a fire under. Yet.”
I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled.

I paid for it, so I'm rating it.

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