My Forever by Kira Adams (WARNING: YA Book)


My Forever (The Infinite Love Series, #1)My Forever by Kira Adams
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

ARC kindly given by author in exchange for honest review

I did some research before reading this book, just so I could be fair in my review. This book originally started out on Wattpad before entering the big arena.

This is a YA novel, which I don't typically read. (See review policy on my website/blog.) But I figured I would give it a shot since the New Adult section seems to be lacking severely at the moment.
My Forever is about a girl (Mady) and a guy (Parker.) They've been dating for 3 years, I believe, and have yet to go to home base. It's common theme in today's YA books. (Kinda too common if you ask me.) I didn't really want to read about a girl struggling with her virginity, but I let it slide because of the shit storm that was brewing.

It seemed like a good set-up:
Maddy's brother died serving in the army and she's having a hard time moving forward.

And just as I was getting comfortable with the "theme" of this book, the worst thing happened.
A Repeat.
Parker's brother is dead too.

But that's not all. Stupid Parker has the nerve to enlist in the army knowing damn well how is girlfriend feels about this. Her brother died serving, after all. What, is she supposed to be pleased?
The "repeats" just kept coming.

Not only do Parker and Maddy share similar losses, they also love getting involved in love-triangles.
I could forgive the dead brother's, even though my mind said it wasn't realistic or remotely possible. One brother dead, yes, but two? Come on now. Make it the mother or father, but not the brother. Everything was just to convenient.

They decide to take a break in their relationship and Maddy falls for a guy named Lee. Parker messages some slutbag named Jacqueline. (AKA, Jackie to me.)
And thus, the repeat begins again.
I was waiting for one character to just break through the bubble. If Parker's with another girl, put Maddy stripping or something. (It was just an example.) Why link them together (like the dead brother's club) and make everything so predictable? I don't understand.

The writing wasn't terrible. It was actually pretty decent. I will say it is probably one of the better YA books I've read, in terms of structure and character development with Parker. Maddy, not so much. This baby was CLEANED. (I mean that as a compliment, BTW.) Every word was used for a reason, not just as filler, and no characters were thrown into scenes just to take up space. Understand? It was very clean-cut for not having a professional editor.
I gave it three stars and I do believe younger audiences (around 16-18) will appreciate a story line like this, even though at times it is unbelievable.

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