Twisted by Emma Chase


Twisted (Tangled, #2)Twisted by Emma Chase
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I'm going to be honest so a lot of people don't waste their money. And when I say honest, I mean brutally honest.
I wish I had just downloaded Twisted or borrowed it from a friend, because it wasn't worth the money I spent.

First off, I never liked Kate in Tangled. I read solely for Drew's witty banter and "worldly advice." It was humorous to me. I don't understand why author's feel the need to change something that isn't broken.

Things that killed this book for me
1) Chase made Drew seem dumb. It's been a while since I've read Tangled, but I never pictured him as a man who jumps to conclusions. He was always the "planning" type. So when the big reveal happens and readers find out that he believed Kate was cheating, I didn't believe any of it.

2) The fact that Kate didn't bother hinting around to the pregnancy when she saw Drew with the stripper was crap. No woman in her right mind would stand there and just "assume" he's talking about a baby. Get real. That was the dumbest thing...I don't buy that Drew would've been that coy and just not flat out said "You're cheating on me." Not after reading Tangled. Seriously, what the hell? He doesn't beat around the bush.

3) The overdone antibiotic claim that every author now wants to use to get a character pregnant. (Coughs, Fifty Shades). Do author's not realize that that just makes their character look like an idiot? Seriously, when I first read "Antibiotic" in Fifty Shades, I shook my head...WTF?
NOTE: Birth control pills are usually given a 95 to 99 percent effectiveness rate. The studies that have been done show a very small difference in effectiveness if taken with an antibiotic. Usually the difference is less than 1 percent.

4) Kate moving out to gain emotional independence. The whole time I've read about how Drew wants control, but the second she started sprouting that off, I started humming "hypocrite." Again, I didn't believe for a second that she did this for the reasons she claimed. From a readers standpoint, she wanted control. Period. This "I've never lived on my own" was for the birds. Why all-of-the-sudden was it brought up now?

Point blank: Shit just didn't add up.
The author threw Drew under the bridge to give Kate a personality. (I'm not finished yet, BTW.)
4) So after Drew is made to look like the biggest asshole, Kate then goes and kisses the ex. And I'm sorry, but this brings up memories of Tangled for me. Not good ones. The only problem I had with Tangled was how Kate got to walk away from the situation with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. How her "cheating ways" were soon forgotten and she was made to be the victim. The same thing happens here. This girl never reaps anything for what she does.

This book failed on so mo many levels. The 50+ page epilogue was ridiculous. I have never, ever, read a rushed ending as brutal as this. I thought the author was setting the last 60+ pages to see how Kate and Drew lived apart. Instead it turned into a "tell" and not "show. It was lazy.
I was going to give this book two stars, but then I changed my mind. When compared to the first book, this one didn't measure up. Tangled would've been better off as a stand alone novel, I think.
It was a letdown. Not worth the wait at all.

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