Review: Therapist


TherapistTherapist by Jaden Wilkes
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Huh. Something about this book seems strangely familiar.

I am a sociopath.
I know this because I diagnosed myself.
I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology from a very prestigious university.
I am charming, attractive, and you probably want to sleep with me.

I lean in to the mirror and stare at my face, my skin. I can see my pores. I need to exfoliate. I'm a guy's guy, obviously into women more than most, but I like having nice skin.

I want to hear this though, the gory details. I want to picture this little simpering cunt down on her knees as her fiance shoved his cock down her throat, chocked her on it like a fucking whore...

Once Christian Bale's Psycho character got in my mind, I couldn't finish this. The originality was gone. Both men got a thrill out of beating their sexual conquests. Both were crazy ect.,...Both wanted to maintain a calm, collected demeanor in front of friends, but when alone their demons came out to play...

I'm gonna pass on this one. (And any others if it's a series.)The writing was decent from what I gathered and the characters seemed to be well developed, but I just couldn't get past 29%.
NOTE: The well developed characters could have something to do with my comparisons to Psycho. It wasn't hard to imagine things once Christian Bale's persona invaded my mind so...

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