Fading by E.K. Blair


Fading (Fading, #1)Fading by E.K. Blair
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I didn't finish this book. Not even close. I stopped around 50 pages. The dialogue was stiff and terrible. I literally could hear a monotone voice reading everything to me in my head. The true test came when Jase came back from his trip to Seattle. I kept telling myself, over and over, "If he's gay, I'm done." I don't like reading stories where I can predict what is going to happen. I didn't finish the book but in the back of my mind I'm wondering if something happens between her and Jase. I might flip through a few chapters in a while to see, but as far as reading the material as a whole, no. The structure is also poor. I wake up, I go to bed, I wake up, I go to bed. No.

There is no accurate description of the characters. You don't have to write a damn paragraph telling me what someone looks like, but you better be descriptive enough to say: Brown eyes, long hair, slim waist, wears bloody dockers, Levi jeans, ect....You can't give me dialogue and back story and expect me to get into it. I don't want to be TOLD everything. I want to be SHOWN.

The story is written in PRESENT TENSE and yet I'm reading a lot of PAST TENSE. That was the first mistake.

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