Living in Sin by Isabel Lucero


Living in Sin (Escort, #1)Living in Sin by Isabel Lucero
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

1 Star.

I couldn't finish this book. The plot was intriguing but the writing didn't grab me.
Why I couldn't finish this book
1) It was monotone. There was too much of "I." I sat down, I turned, I walked, I moved, I reached, I this I that. No. It was so bland and repetitive. I couldn't do it. It was all about movements. I'm used to reading "I sat down and began to think about blah blah...My mother was always harping about my lack of this or that." Ya know, there's usually some writing and explanation. A nice flow. In this book it was just (something similar to this) "I sat on the bed. I pulled the cover away from her shoulder. She moved away and I crawled toward her. I this. I that...I kissed her on the side of the lips." No. Nope. I couldn't deal with that.
2) Lack of descriptions. It's not enough to read that Jace is in a bar, I want to know what it looks like. Jukebox? Disco lights? Square tables? A DJ? No. The same could be said for the hotel room. I'm not saying it has to be all "mahogany desk, mini fridge, five pillows, oriental rug..." but a little "the blinds were drawn, covers pulled back, and my lips twisted as I stared at the two vixen's waiting for me to put them out of their misery.." or something like that. (Hell, I don't know, but you get the drift.)

3) I felt nothing. I've said this in a lot of my reviews, but this one really takes the cake. If an author can't give a big description (aka places, faces, bodies) then the voice has to suck me in and make my imagination do the work. There was no voice in this book. NONE. No metaphors, similes...

I don't know, maybe Jace just wasn't that interesting or perhaps boring. When I read I want to feel the excitement in the words. It honestly felt like the author was bored while writing this.
Worth Noting:
I stopped reading at page 14 of my Ebook. (Aka the end of chapter 1.) You've got 1 chapter to suck me in and make me want more. I used to give 40 pages, but with so many books out nowadays I don't have time for that. The first chapter is a make or break. (Which I assume is why every author rambles on and on about polishing it to perfection.) It determines a lot.

Another thing that turned me off from this reading experience: lack of vocabulary. "Inspection" along with concentrate, devilish, and vibration were really the only big words thrown in Chapter 1. It read like a teenage fantasy novel. So many small words and repetitiveness. It did nothing for me. I have this pet peeve about rereading the same word in the following sentence. For example: Sure. "I’m sure to check out each of their bodies as they pass. I sure did get lucky tonight."<---quote data-blogger-escaped-1.="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-chapter="" data-blogger-escaped-from="">
I let my husband (who does not read, EVER) read the above quote and he said "It sounds like a girl. Like I like did like this and like..."

Things that REALLY bugged me
*Too much smiling during sex...Grin, yes, smile, no. If he's playful and naughty, why the hell is he smiling?
*I didn't know what the hell was going on in that hotel room. All of these girls (blonde, brunette ect) were all over the place. I didn't know who was doing what. It was a mess. This girls legs were over this ones, her hair was falling onto his back, while this other girl is in between this ones legs...Blondie steps out of the room and Jace is fingering brunette while the blue dress is going down on whoever.

While writing this I did manage to take a look at Chapter 2 to give it the benefit of a doubt. But the second I saw “Hey, don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful, Jace said." I cringed. No matter what he did in chapter 1, his masculinity was ripped to shreds right there. No man looks sexy saying that, not even if it's meant to be playful or as a joke.

Word repetitiveness in first chapter (Which is 12 pages in my ebook, size 14 font)
Pussy-23 (This one was everywhere and did little to help Jace's persona.)

I'm sorry, but when I read the part about Jace crawling up the bed and the brunette looking all scared. It didn't hold my attention like it should've. I was waiting for the right detail, descriptions, and maybe even a little arrogance to put everything in to play. Instead, my mind was thinking "Where ya going? Come back here."

So yea. This one was a miss. I don't think i'm too picky, just that everyone else has lower standards.

And that's my review. Sorry. I didn't like it. AT ALL.

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