Breakable by Tammara Webber


Breakable (Contours of the Heart, #2)Breakable by Tammara Webber
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I had to take 24 hours to think about this one because I am a big fan of Tammara Webber. I wanted to be "fair".

This book wasn't everything I wanted it to be. However, I feel like it gave Lucas's story closure. So for that I can't be too upset.
All that being said, it was difficult to get through. The POV's got confusing at times. I didn't like the stopping places for the POV's. By the time you reached Landon again, you'd almost forgot what was going on in his younger years. The organization was bad.

Does it compare to Easy? No.
This is not a stand alone novel. The first 30 pages are really nothing but detail. (Telling but not showing.) There is rarely any dialogue.
As far as Lucas and Jackie, Webber was a little lazy with their scenes. A lot of things were cut out from Easy, which is why I say it would be difficult to read it as a stand alone. Instead of showing emails sent, Lucas would just explain to the reader what Jackie said in an email. It honestly felt rushed, like Webber had a problem re-writing the same scene again from a man's perspective.

Originally, (24 hours ago) I had this book rated 4 stars. But then I realized I only did that for Lucas's character and not necessarily the story and book as a whole.
I had a problem reading Lucas's chapters. When put next to Landon's they didn't hold water. I found myself rooting for Melody, though I knew he would end up with Jackie....(Which really kinda sucked...) It's a mindfuck.
I can say the book was well-written, as always. But it definitely isn't close to Easy in terms of keeping your attention. I will buy the paperback because I want the matching cover. (I know, lame.) But if Easy had different covers, and I'd just read Breakable there is no way I would run to books-a-million and buy the thing.
NOTE: The cover really puts some serious hype on this book.
Final conclusion: 2 stars. It was okay. I really hope Webber doesn't set up for Wynn and Pearl in a spin-off, though I think that's exactly where this is going. (She's gonna milk it.) Don't get me wrong, it would be interesting, but it's overplayed. Aka, Pearl (Miss. Brains) and Wynn (the bad boy.)

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