Sex Love Repeat by Alessandra Torre


Sex Love RepeatSex Love Repeat by Alessandra Torre
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This was a mistake waiting to happen. I was innocently strolling through Amazon and wala! There it is. Nice cover. Eye-catching description.
Girl is dating two men, both men are okay with this...It really grabs you, understand?
Allow me to correct myself: it would grab you if it was executed properly.
What follows is a laundry list of reasons Sex Love Repeat is the worst book I've read thus far in 2014.

Let me say that I never fully understood why both men (Stewart and Paul) loved Madison. And no, it's not because she was a woman who got to have her cake and eat it too. I found no redeemable qualities in this woman. She liked to screw, so? What else does she like to do? Read books? That's it? And FYI for future readers of this novel: the fact that Madison works at a bookstore does not in any way, shape, or form, conceal the sluttiness of her character.

All this book was was sex, sex, sex...This entire book could've been cut down to 3-4 chapters easy. If Madison isn't screwing Paul, then she's at Stewart's screwing him.
The writing? Terrible. And I don't say this lightly folks. Run-on sentences were scattered throughout this treasure hunt. I kept waiting for a period to come but it never came. When a reader starts forgetting what the sentence originally started out talking about, that's when you've got a serious problem. No exaggeration whatsoever here.

The chapters flip-flop, which can get confusing if you don't keep up with the dates, name POV's ect. It's a big clusterfuck people.
(There were 4 POV's.)
The worst part about this book, hands down, would be the lengthy paragraphs. There was barely any dialogue at all. After a while I just started searching for dialogue because I was becoming so impatient. (You just don't understand. It was that ridiculous.)
The sex scenes were horrible. The men weren't memorable. I felt like I was reading a teenage fantasy or something.

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